Jenny Villalobos

Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Practice details and specialties
States Licensed to Practice
Education and Advanced Training
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions: Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy
Certified Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist (ASDCS)
Certified ADHD Rehabilitation Services Provider (ADHD-RSP)
Neurodiversity-Affirming Practices
Sensory Processing
Sensory Diets
Handwriting Without Tears
Size Matters Handwriting Program
Languages Spoken
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Emotional Regulation
Developmental Coordination Disorder
Developmental Delay
Early Childhood Development
Executive Functioning
Fine Motor Delay
Handwriting Difficulties
Motor Delays
Motor Planning and Coordination
Play Skills
Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Seeking or Sensory Avoidance Behaviors
Transition and Routine Difficulties
Visual Perceptual and Visual Motor Integration Difficulties

Get to know me
Hi! My name is Jenny Villalobos. I’m a pediatric Occupational Therapist of nearly 20 years. In addition to my clinical experience, I have personal experience with neurodiversity which I believe gives me a unique perspective and a deep connection with the families that I serve. While differences are natural and should be celebrated, it is equally important to recognize the unique challenges that go along with raising a neurodivergent child. The truth is it can be really hard sometimes! My mission is to provide family-centered, judgment-free, neurodiversity-affirming care focused on facilitating improved regulation, social participation, and skill development. The goal is for families to participate in meaningful activities together, manage daily routines better, and enjoy their relationships more.
For the majority of my career, I’ve practiced using a traditional OT model consisting of direct, one-on-one treatment sessions. It wasn’t until 2020, when we were all forced to transition to telehealth that I truly experienced the power of family-centered care. I was concerned that telehealth might not be as effective but to my surprise most of my clients were making more progress, at a faster rate, than ever before. I quickly realized the reason WAS the parents. Having the parent’s active participation allowed me to highlight their child’s strengths & challenges, demonstrate strategies, suggest activities, answer questions, build confidence, and offer guidance & support. This led to a greater understanding (on both sides), better outcomes for their child, and less stress for the family unit as a whole.
I’ve worked with hundreds of families over the years and the two most common challenges I hear are “feeling alone” and “not knowing what to do”. I am here to tell you that you are no longer alone on this journey. There will be no more waiting until next week to ask a question that you will probably forget by then anyway. If an issue comes up, simply take out your phone and message me on the Kinspire app. Anytime. I love hearing from you- both the good & the bad. My job is to help you navigate any challenges that arise. If I can’t come up with a solution, I have a team of other Kinspire therapists that I collaborate with on a regular basis. Having that type of support, as the parent of a neurodivergent child, is priceless. And as a therapist, I am so thrilled to be able to provide the quality of care that I believe every family deserves. So let’s get started, we’ve got this!
Hi! My name is Jenny Villalobos. I’m a pediatric Occupational Therapist of nearly 20 years. In addition to my clinical experience, I have personal experience with neurodiversity which I believe gives me a unique perspective and a deep connection with the families that I serve. While differences are natural and should be celebrated, it is equally important to recognize the unique challenges that go along with raising a neurodivergent child. The truth is it can be really hard sometimes! My mission is to provide family-centered, judgment-free, neurodiversity-affirming care focused on facilitating improved regulation, social participation, and skill development. The goal is for families to participate in meaningful activities together, manage daily routines better, and enjoy their relationships more.
For the majority of my career, I’ve practiced using a traditional OT model consisting of direct, one-on-one treatment sessions. It wasn’t until 2020, when we were all forced to transition to telehealth that I truly experienced the power of family-centered care. I was concerned that telehealth might not be as effective but to my surprise most of my clients were making more progress, at a faster rate, than ever before. I quickly realized the reason WAS the parents. Having the parent’s active participation allowed me to highlight their child’s strengths & challenges, demonstrate strategies, suggest activities, answer questions, build confidence, and offer guidance & support. This led to a greater understanding (on both sides), better outcomes for their child, and less stress for the family unit as a whole.
I’ve worked with hundreds of families over the years and the two most common challenges I hear are “feeling alone” and “not knowing what to do”. I am here to tell you that you are no longer alone on this journey. There will be no more waiting until next week to ask a question that you will probably forget by then anyway. If an issue comes up, simply take out your phone and message me on the Kinspire app. Anytime. I love hearing from you- both the good & the bad. My job is to help you navigate any challenges that arise. If I can’t come up with a solution, I have a team of other Kinspire therapists that I collaborate with on a regular basis. Having that type of support, as the parent of a neurodivergent child, is priceless. And as a therapist, I am so thrilled to be able to provide the quality of care that I believe every family deserves. So let’s get started, we’ve got this!
Hi! My name is Jenny Villalobos. I’m a pediatric Occupational Therapist of nearly 20 years. In addition to my clinical experience, I have personal experience with neurodiversity which I believe gives me a unique perspective and a deep connection with the families that I serve. While differences are natural and should be celebrated, it is equally important to recognize the unique challenges that go along with raising a neurodivergent child. The truth is it can be really hard sometimes! My mission is to provide family-centered, judgment-free, neurodiversity-affirming care focused on facilitating improved regulation, social participation, and skill development. The goal is for families to participate in meaningful activities together, manage daily routines better, and enjoy their relationships more.
For the majority of my career, I’ve practiced using a traditional OT model consisting of direct, one-on-one treatment sessions. It wasn’t until 2020, when we were all forced to transition to telehealth that I truly experienced the power of family-centered care. I was concerned that telehealth might not be as effective but to my surprise most of my clients were making more progress, at a faster rate, than ever before. I quickly realized the reason WAS the parents. Having the parent’s active participation allowed me to highlight their child’s strengths & challenges, demonstrate strategies, suggest activities, answer questions, build confidence, and offer guidance & support. This led to a greater understanding (on both sides), better outcomes for their child, and less stress for the family unit as a whole.
I’ve worked with hundreds of families over the years and the two most common challenges I hear are “feeling alone” and “not knowing what to do”. I am here to tell you that you are no longer alone on this journey. There will be no more waiting until next week to ask a question that you will probably forget by then anyway. If an issue comes up, simply take out your phone and message me on the Kinspire app. Anytime. I love hearing from you- both the good & the bad. My job is to help you navigate any challenges that arise. If I can’t come up with a solution, I have a team of other Kinspire therapists that I collaborate with on a regular basis. Having that type of support, as the parent of a neurodivergent child, is priceless. And as a therapist, I am so thrilled to be able to provide the quality of care that I believe every family deserves. So let’s get started, we’ve got this!
Hi! My name is Jenny Villalobos. I’m a pediatric Occupational Therapist of nearly 20 years. In addition to my clinical experience, I have personal experience with neurodiversity which I believe gives me a unique perspective and a deep connection with the families that I serve. While differences are natural and should be celebrated, it is equally important to recognize the unique challenges that go along with raising a neurodivergent child. The truth is it can be really hard sometimes! My mission is to provide family-centered, judgment-free, neurodiversity-affirming care focused on facilitating improved regulation, social participation, and skill development. The goal is for families to participate in meaningful activities together, manage daily routines better, and enjoy their relationships more.
For the majority of my career, I’ve practiced using a traditional OT model consisting of direct, one-on-one treatment sessions. It wasn’t until 2020, when we were all forced to transition to telehealth that I truly experienced the power of family-centered care. I was concerned that telehealth might not be as effective but to my surprise most of my clients were making more progress, at a faster rate, than ever before. I quickly realized the reason WAS the parents. Having the parent’s active participation allowed me to highlight their child’s strengths & challenges, demonstrate strategies, suggest activities, answer questions, build confidence, and offer guidance & support. This led to a greater understanding (on both sides), better outcomes for their child, and less stress for the family unit as a whole.
I’ve worked with hundreds of families over the years and the two most common challenges I hear are “feeling alone” and “not knowing what to do”. I am here to tell you that you are no longer alone on this journey. There will be no more waiting until next week to ask a question that you will probably forget by then anyway. If an issue comes up, simply take out your phone and message me on the Kinspire app. Anytime. I love hearing from you- both the good & the bad. My job is to help you navigate any challenges that arise. If I can’t come up with a solution, I have a team of other Kinspire therapists that I collaborate with on a regular basis. Having that type of support, as the parent of a neurodivergent child, is priceless. And as a therapist, I am so thrilled to be able to provide the quality of care that I believe every family deserves. So let’s get started, we’ve got this!
Hi! My name is Jenny Villalobos. I’m a pediatric Occupational Therapist of nearly 20 years. In addition to my clinical experience, I have personal experience with neurodiversity which I believe gives me a unique perspective and a deep connection with the families that I serve. While differences are natural and should be celebrated, it is equally important to recognize the unique challenges that go along with raising a neurodivergent child. The truth is it can be really hard sometimes! My mission is to provide family-centered, judgment-free, neurodiversity-affirming care focused on facilitating improved regulation, social participation, and skill development. The goal is for families to participate in meaningful activities together, manage daily routines better, and enjoy their relationships more.
For the majority of my career, I’ve practiced using a traditional OT model consisting of direct, one-on-one treatment sessions. It wasn’t until 2020, when we were all forced to transition to telehealth that I truly experienced the power of family-centered care. I was concerned that telehealth might not be as effective but to my surprise most of my clients were making more progress, at a faster rate, than ever before. I quickly realized the reason WAS the parents. Having the parent’s active participation allowed me to highlight their child’s strengths & challenges, demonstrate strategies, suggest activities, answer questions, build confidence, and offer guidance & support. This led to a greater understanding (on both sides), better outcomes for their child, and less stress for the family unit as a whole.
I’ve worked with hundreds of families over the years and the two most common challenges I hear are “feeling alone” and “not knowing what to do”. I am here to tell you that you are no longer alone on this journey. There will be no more waiting until next week to ask a question that you will probably forget by then anyway. If an issue comes up, simply take out your phone and message me on the Kinspire app. Anytime. I love hearing from you- both the good & the bad. My job is to help you navigate any challenges that arise. If I can’t come up with a solution, I have a team of other Kinspire therapists that I collaborate with on a regular basis. Having that type of support, as the parent of a neurodivergent child, is priceless. And as a therapist, I am so thrilled to be able to provide the quality of care that I believe every family deserves. So let’s get started, we’ve got this!
Other Interests
On a personal note, I live in South Florida. I’m married and I have three children and two puppies that we rescued last year. My likes & interests include: cafe con leche, tacos, cheesecake, drawing, tattoos, listening to music, thrift shopping, interior design, game nights, dancing, trying new restaurants and traveling.
"The Kinspire Model allows me to provide the quality of care that I believe every family deserves!"
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