Atty Rosas



Pediatric Occupational Therapist

Practice details and specialties

States Licensed to Practice

  • California

Education and Advanced Training

San Jose State University: Bachelor of Science - BS, Occupational Therapy, Minor: Spanish

  • Therapeutic Listening

  • Handwriting Without Tears

  • Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention

  • MORE: Integrating the Mouth with Sensory and Postural Function

  • Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health Training Academy (Santa Clara County)

  • Brazelton Touchpoints Approach &.Reflective Practice

  • Developing and Implementing Sensory Diets

  • Wilbarger Deep Pressure Therapeutic Touch Protocol

Languages Spoken

  • English

  • Spanish


  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Balance and Posture Issues

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Developmental Delay

  • Down Syndrome

  • Early Childhood Development

  • Feeding and Oral Motor Difficulties

  • Fine Motor Delay

  • Genetic Syndromes

  • Handwriting Difficulties

  • Motor Delays

  • Motor Planning and Coordination

  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder

  • Play Skills

  • Reading Readiness

  • Self-Care Skills

  • Sensory Processing Disorder

  • Sensory Seeking or Sensory Avoidance Behaviors

  • Transition and Routine Difficulties

Get to know me

Hello! I am a licensed pediatric occupational therapist and have been practicing for over 20 years exclusively in pediatric settings, including sensory-based clinics, home and center- based early intervention programs, and school settings. I am passionate about supporting children and their families in navigating developmental milestones and helping them through challenges and obstacles along the way. I've enjoyed working with diverse families throughout my career and have a deep appreciation for working collaboratively with parents and caregivers to ensure the best outcomes in a way that best meets the unique needs of each individual child and their family. I absolutely love being able to provide support, guidance, and resources to help parents better understand their child. As a parent myself, I know the challenges of parenting and understand how important it is to have a village of support around you. I feel fortunate to be able to partner with you and look forward to being a part of your village.

I have advanced training in sensory processing and sensory based interventions including, auditory interventions, deep pressure touch protocol, feeding, and creating and implementing sensory diets. I also have advanced training in Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health and reflective practice.

Hello! I am a licensed pediatric occupational therapist and have been practicing for over 20 years exclusively in pediatric settings, including sensory-based clinics, home and center- based early intervention programs, and school settings. I am passionate about supporting children and their families in navigating developmental milestones and helping them through challenges and obstacles along the way. I've enjoyed working with diverse families throughout my career and have a deep appreciation for working collaboratively with parents and caregivers to ensure the best outcomes in a way that best meets the unique needs of each individual child and their family. I absolutely love being able to provide support, guidance, and resources to help parents better understand their child. As a parent myself, I know the challenges of parenting and understand how important it is to have a village of support around you. I feel fortunate to be able to partner with you and look forward to being a part of your village.

I have advanced training in sensory processing and sensory based interventions including, auditory interventions, deep pressure touch protocol, feeding, and creating and implementing sensory diets. I also have advanced training in Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health and reflective practice.

Hello! I am a licensed pediatric occupational therapist and have been practicing for over 20 years exclusively in pediatric settings, including sensory-based clinics, home and center- based early intervention programs, and school settings. I am passionate about supporting children and their families in navigating developmental milestones and helping them through challenges and obstacles along the way. I've enjoyed working with diverse families throughout my career and have a deep appreciation for working collaboratively with parents and caregivers to ensure the best outcomes in a way that best meets the unique needs of each individual child and their family. I absolutely love being able to provide support, guidance, and resources to help parents better understand their child. As a parent myself, I know the challenges of parenting and understand how important it is to have a village of support around you. I feel fortunate to be able to partner with you and look forward to being a part of your village.

I have advanced training in sensory processing and sensory based interventions including, auditory interventions, deep pressure touch protocol, feeding, and creating and implementing sensory diets. I also have advanced training in Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health and reflective practice.

Hello! I am a licensed pediatric occupational therapist and have been practicing for over 20 years exclusively in pediatric settings, including sensory-based clinics, home and center- based early intervention programs, and school settings. I am passionate about supporting children and their families in navigating developmental milestones and helping them through challenges and obstacles along the way. I've enjoyed working with diverse families throughout my career and have a deep appreciation for working collaboratively with parents and caregivers to ensure the best outcomes in a way that best meets the unique needs of each individual child and their family. I absolutely love being able to provide support, guidance, and resources to help parents better understand their child. As a parent myself, I know the challenges of parenting and understand how important it is to have a village of support around you. I feel fortunate to be able to partner with you and look forward to being a part of your village.

I have advanced training in sensory processing and sensory based interventions including, auditory interventions, deep pressure touch protocol, feeding, and creating and implementing sensory diets. I also have advanced training in Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health and reflective practice.

Hello! I am a licensed pediatric occupational therapist and have been practicing for over 20 years exclusively in pediatric settings, including sensory-based clinics, home and center- based early intervention programs, and school settings. I am passionate about supporting children and their families in navigating developmental milestones and helping them through challenges and obstacles along the way. I've enjoyed working with diverse families throughout my career and have a deep appreciation for working collaboratively with parents and caregivers to ensure the best outcomes in a way that best meets the unique needs of each individual child and their family. I absolutely love being able to provide support, guidance, and resources to help parents better understand their child. As a parent myself, I know the challenges of parenting and understand how important it is to have a village of support around you. I feel fortunate to be able to partner with you and look forward to being a part of your village.

I have advanced training in sensory processing and sensory based interventions including, auditory interventions, deep pressure touch protocol, feeding, and creating and implementing sensory diets. I also have advanced training in Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health and reflective practice.

Other Interests

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy going out to eat, going to concerts, and exploring new cities. I also love to read and meditate. I have two teenage boys that are my world and keep me busy with school activities and sports. I enjoy every minute that I still get to spend with them as it for sure goes too fast!

"The Kinspire approach allows me to partner with families in a collaborative and interactive way that is unlike any other setting I've worked in. The access to support, resources, and therapeutic activities that families are able to learn and implement at home lead to so many positive outcomes in an effective way that is tailored to each child and family on their unique journey."